Rookie Blogger of the Year – We Won!!!

Imma Let You Finish

Well, the results have come in and I’m very happy to say that Future Conscience has won the Rookie Blogger of the Year contest that was being held by Tycoon Blogger!  Have to say a big thank you to everybody who voted for us, with 23% of the vote we certainly have been encouraged to continue doing what we’ve been doing – just even more so!

Winning this competition will give us quite a few more incoming links and free advertising space, so I’m thinking of ways to improve our content to match the new traffic levels that we’ve already started to see.  If anybody has any ideas or suggestions for improvement we would love to hear from you in the comments.

For those of you who are just coming across the site, and for others who may not have gone through our archives, here’s five of the best:

1) Ethical Blogging series (actually 6 articles!)

2) Nanotechnology and the social implications of immortality

3) Tweetivism: social justice or internet lynch-mob?

4) 5 signs that you may belong to a dangerous cult

5) Are we still educating kids to go out and conquer the 1980s?

Thanks again for everybody who voted!  Spread the word and let others know about Future Conscience – it sounds obvious but the site is here to be read, so the more people who see it the better!  One thing I would like to improve are the number of comments we get, so please if you are a regular reader we would love to hear from you.  We want to build up discussion around the topics raised, and any input you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Now, off to make some 125×125 banner ads for us to have dotted around the blogosphere!