Tag Archives: freedom

We are the 99%! You are the Revolution!

We are the 99%. We are the hands and minds that allow the corporations and institutions of society to function and grow, to produce and profit. Because of this, we have ultimate power over their existence; but this also means we have a responsibility to act collectively towards a higher mode of being. The revolution begins now, with you.Continue Reading

5 Ways to Overcome an Internet Kill Switch

With the ‘Internet Kill Switch’ move by the Egyptian government seemingly reversed in recent days, it brings up a very important issue that needs to be addressed publicly and vocally: just what can be done to overcome any attempt by governments around the world to instigate an ‘Internet Kill Switch’ in the future?Continue Reading

F*k Facebook! 5 Alternatives to Help Destroy the Evil Empire

Over the last few weeks there has been concern after concern – some of them legal challenges – being put forward by privacy advocates and social media experts – with even a few higher profile ones quitting the social network in protest and some advocating a mass-termination of accounts on May 31st. But what’s the alternative and how can this evil empire be stopped?Continue Reading

Google conviction sparks debate over internet freedom

I’ve had a few posts recently that revolve around multi-national technology giant Google, both for positive and negative reasons, and today’s news has once again brought the company right into the ethical spotlight. An Italian judge has convicted three Google executives and given each a six-month suspended sentence because of a video of an autistic boy being bullied that was uploaded onto Google’s video service in 2006.Continue Reading

Site of the Week: Wikileaks

Wikileaks is an exercise in decentralised information gathering, not vulnerable to the attacks of vested interests and open to all who wish to post important leaked documents or to act as whistleblowers.Continue Reading

Australian Government continues to fund Exclusive Brethren “cult”

ABC News in Australia is today reporting that the current government continues to provide funding for schools run by a controversial religious movement called the Exclusive Brethren.

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