Tag Archives: futurist

20 Futurist Predictions for 2030

20 Futurist Predictions for 2030

With the kind of year 2020 has proven to be, it seems the next decade is going to be a particularly fast-paced and tumultuous one. To keep us all thinking about where we want the world to go over the next 10 years, here are 20 futurist predictions for 2030.Continue Reading

SpaceX and the Global Military-Industrial Complex

SpaceX and the Global Military-Industrial Complex

SpaceX is a key player in the global military-industrial complex and complicit in the devastation that might result from its facilitation of future warfare.Continue Reading

Exploring VENUS: A Cyberpunk Short Film

Exploring VENUS: A Cyberpunk Short Film

An insurgent mother uploads the consciousness of her tragically killed daughter, Iris, into a stolen synthetic body. Torn out of her idyllic digital world and left on the run in an oppressive futuristic city, Iris must confront her body’s objectification and its violent capabilities, as well as the consequences of her mother’s actions. I’m alwaysContinue ReadingContinue Reading

21st Century Rosicrucianism

21st Century Rosicrucianism

For those who have been reading this blog over the years, you will know that it is informed by a holistic view of the human condition and our experience of both personal and social reality.  This covers a range of empirical and metaphysical viewpoints, which in recent centuries have become increasingly detached from one anotherContinue Reading

A Brief History of Time Travel: Creative Minds and Technological Dreams

A Brief History of Time Travel: Creative Minds and Technological Dreams

Days before widespread lockdowns were implemented, the Philip K Dick Film Festival was able to go ahead in New York and bring another batch of talented independent filmmakers to our attention.  You can see the full list of this year’s award winners here, as well as our interview with the festival founder and a reviewContinue Reading

Top 10 Futurist Websites (2020 Edition)

Top 10 Futurist Websites (2020 Edition)

Eight years ago I put together a list of the Top 10 Futurist Websites, a post that continues to be the most popular on the site.  Now that it’s 2020 and the future is officially here, the time has come to update the list and see if anything has changed. Interestingly, all of the sitesContinue Reading