Conjuring the Planetary Intelligences: Graphiel of Mars

Conjuring the Planetary Intelligences: Graphiel of Mars

For over a year now, I have been embarking on a journey of ceremonial magic focused on the planetary intelligences that has shaped the course of my spiritual path. This series of ritual diaries follows each major working in order to provide some basic insight into what the process might look like and the experiences that emerge from these age-old practises.

If you haven’t yet read through the previous parts in the series, it’s best to start from the beginning. I have tried to be open about what was occurring at each stage and in many ways it is how the experiences build upon one another that is most fruitful to observe.

I. Agiel of Saturn

II. Jophiel of Jupiter

III. Tiriel of Mercury

IV. Malcha of Luna

V. Hagiel of Venus

Today’s post looks at the sixth working in the series, the conjuration of Graphiel of Mars, and stands out for being quite different to the previous conjurations. Primarily because this is the one where ‘nothing’ happened, or perhaps that is just how I perceived it at the time…

Cross Marker

Ceremonial Circumstances

Consider and answer me, O Lord my God!

Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,

Psalm 13:3 (NRSV)

As with previous conjurations, the ritual was conducted outdoors and a significant distance away from home; on this occasion about an hour’s hike to a nearby mountain ridge. I had previously scouted out an intended location – an old rock quarry used to construct the local villages – but on the day of the working itself the weather conditions had another idea in mind.

The election chosen for this conjuration took place early in the morning, at a time when I thought the sun would be rising right around the start of the time window. Knowing that the location was a distance away, I began travelling pre-dawn and, as circumstances would have it, in the rain. My intention for this ritual was to ask for assistance in developing a greater sense of determination and fortitude (which seemed suitable for Mars), along with help in controlling those feelings of frustration or impatience that might arise on a day-to-day basis. Given the dark, cold, rainy morning…it certainly felt like the hike up to the location was a suitable beginning, at least through being the most uncomfortable trip to a site in this series of ceremonies.

The hour-long hike was spent praying the Rosary and it was long enough to go through the full set of Mysteries in turn and even the Sorrowful Mysteries twice (Agony in the Garden; Scourging; Thorns; Carrying the Cross; Crucifixion). The way up was more treacherous than anticipated. I didn’t think it would remain as dark as it did and, by the time I reached a church that stood atop the rockface, I quickly realised it wasn’t wise to continue any further up to the mountain quarry I had intended to conduct the ceremony within. It was too dark, wet and the area above where I currently stood too misty to safely continue. The ceremony would therefore take place underneath the entrance covering of an old stone church, which seemed suitable and protected from the elements.

I had not fasted before this conjuration as I knew the hike would be taxing; and the texts and format used were almost identical to the conjuration of Hagiel of Venus but with some alterations made with the chosen Psalm and materials used such as incense, sigils and the appropriate petition.

For this conjuration I laid out a red mandala-covering onto the stone floor; and the ritual was conducted facing East towards what I thought would be the rising sun (which turned out not to occur until after the ceremony had finished…).  The conjuration began at 6:10am on Saturday 13th November, 2021.

Graphiel of Mars - Tools

For comparison to the previous conjurations, the tools used were as follows:

  • an obsidian scrying stone (5”);
  • white Bible (NRSV) placed in the middle;
  • drawings of the Seal of Mars (gold) and sigil for Graphiel (silver);
  • wooden ceremonial staff;
  • dark-handled iron dagger;
  • Dragon’s Blood incense sticks lit at the beginning (cross-configuration);
  • Local quartz stones, iron-infused.
  • Red mandala-motif circular fabric as ground covering.

The working was conducted as follows:

  • Rosary prayers for 1hr (full set of Mysteries + second Sorrowful round);
  • Items laid out on ground covering, incense lit;
  • LBRP variation used for consecration of space and invocation of Archangels;
  • Psalm 13;
  • Prayers and Affirmations from CMG;
  • Invocation of Graphiel from CPI;
  • Scrying and questions asked as below (no result);
  • Second round of Invocation from CPI
  • Repeat Questions/Scrying (no result);
  • Devotional request;
  • Closing.

The intended questions were kept the same as previously:

  • What is your name? Are you Graphiel?
  • What is the nature of Mars?
  • Are you an angel or force of nature?
  • How can I best serve your needs?
  • What should I be focusing my practice on?
  • Who should I be speaking to next?
  • What is the name of my Guardian Angel?
  • Do you have anything to share with the group?
  • Is there a sigil to contact you with? What is the best time to do so?

In addition to these questions, I had intended to be more forthright with requests for this conjuration as I’ve felt overly cautious in this area previously (a built-in ‘be careful what you wish for’ apprehension).  However, the conjuration itself did not really go as planned…

The Conjuration of Graphiel

All the plans and expectations that I had for this working were quickly dismissed by the circumstances on the day. The hike was dark and wet; the location I had chosen was impenetrable with mist (“Local Wizard Falls Off Cliff” was not a desirable outcome!); and I had been so focused on the specific election timing that I’d forgotten to check when dawn would arrive. Thankfully there was a covering under the entrance of the mountain church, so I could set up my materials and make the best of it. After the night hike, it still seemed a more than suitable location.

For whatever reason/s, though, this was the first conjuration where I can confidently say that the ritual was not successful at making contact. There’s many possible explanations why this might have been the case (thoughts on that below), but ultimately it was the result of the ritual: no recognisable conjuration occured.

The first issue faced was one of lighting. I had wrongly presumed that the coming dawn would start to light the way by the time I had completed the opening banishing and archangel much use. Instead the prayers and petition were done by the light of a phone, a thoroughly distracting and awkward tool unfit for such purpose. Even a head-torch would have been more suitable, but unfortunately I had not been so prepared.

The darkness also made scrying with the obsidian disc near impossible; and so I redirected to a closed-eye meditative approach, coupled with staring out into the open darkness before me. Unfortunately on this occasion there were no confirmations either visual, audible or internal.  There were no signs or intuitive feelings that emerged.  Nothing but the wind and rain that soaked up my petitions as I belted them out into the void.

After two full cycles and multiple attempts to attain communication, I sat in quiet meditation for a while before making the decision that today – on this occasion – I would have to be content that no conjuration had occurred. The ritual had not been successful, but that something should be salvaged regardless of the lack of any recognisable result.

Before closing the ceremony, I put forward my intended requests anyway. Perhaps I had missed the signs of conjuration, or been too distracted by the environmental conditions and internal frustrations to enter the receptive state required to receive any communication. Maybe I had pushed out the context of the ceremony too far; to the point that it had become distracting and detrimental to the task at hand.

Whatever the case, I put forward the intentions and knelt forward – head to obsidian – and put out my request for help. I sought a renewed diligence and commitment to my spiritual journey; a release from feelings of frustration over small things; and contact with the sources of wisdom and inspiration that guide all of us on the path.

Those Times When Nothing Happens

The whole experience brought some interesting reflection in my pursuit of communion with the Divine. Sometimes the experiences we are seeking won’t appear, but we move forward with the understanding that there’s a great deal of nuance involved. By setting the intention for this conjuration and expressing it in such a forthright way, I’m pleased to say that my dedication and commitment has been renewed through both an ability to stick to daily practice (centred around the Rosary), while also feeling the weight of doubt increasingly shed away.

I am also more aware, now, of how these planetary conjurations dovetail with the stages of the alchemical process as elusively outlined in symbolism and veiled terms. This perspective has shifted my understanding of their purpose and the approach that I should be taking with them as I continue. Sometimes nothing seems to happen, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to be learned.

The external ‘failure’ of this conjuration required coming to terms with the fact that I’ve not been fully committing myself to this process. I know the areas that need to be worked upon, indeed have received some of them as communications from the Intelligences conjured, but in multiple cases have not followed through. Although a great deal of progress has been made, I have not integrated the lessons that emerged and have not completed the work set along the way. This will need to change because, as is often said, these workings are not something to be trifled with or merely done for experimentation. They are to be treated with the respect and devotion that they truly deserve.

Even with this renewed focus and determination to forge on, I found myself entering a ‘dark night of the soul’ that made it difficult to continue. Immersing myself within the Mysteries of the Rosary has proven hugely beneficial, but a growing conflict loomed between the drive to continue along this ceremonial journey and an at times crippling lack of confidence that doubted the path and questioned its purpose. A suitable election to complete the seventh conjuration (Nachiel of Sol) had been found and graciously offered up by my peers, but when the day arrived I felt unable to conduct it. I was unprepared (and undeserving?) for such an important culminating moment. This next step in the journey was not completed, because there was still a substantial amount of Work to do to overcome the previously received message: “you are not what you seem”.

Although I have been able to find a new resolve to my daily practice, completing the tasks set is now the next task at hand: enhancing my ceremonial tools; learning electional astrology; understanding the context of this theurgy; and, most importantly, rectifying my character through the ongoing process of purification that these rituals represent. Until these things are advanced, I’m not really who I present myself to be. The message received will stand and progress will be slow, or perhaps nonexistent, as the celestial forces can see through any facade I might project to others – or even the one presented to myself.

Completing this ritual diary entry feels like an important step, as is coming to terms with a more humble evolution of my spiritual path. Appreciating the subtle over the spectacular while conquering the doubt and personal shortcomings stopping me from moving beyond the negative patterns of everyday life. Internally, the notion that “you are not what you seem” has transformed into “you are not ready” and so the process of development must continue. Because only by doing so can I stand confidently, without doubt or equivocation, and ask to receive that holy communion which shines as a beacon yet feels obfuscated by the clouds and distractions that continuously emerge from reality.

So it’s time to forge ahead…because I’ve created a sense of culmination in these planetary conjurations that doesn’t really apply (along with a growing imposter syndrome writ large). The theurgic path demands more than a few outings and the experiences will be varied. Becoming worthy of the rewards of faith and devotion requires ongoing dedication and effort. Thankfully I have found success again recently, through an invocation of the fixed star Fomalhaut that proved meaningful. So the fact that no conjuration of Graphiel occurred on this specific occasion, at least none to my knowledge, does not change the overall purpose of the working in the grand scheme of things. 

Above all else, it taught me that the dedication and resolve that I was asking for must kindle a fire within that burns with ever-more intensity. Even though it might seem as if nothing occurred, the conjuration can be successful in other ways and there is wisdom to be gained.  When the next auspicious election with Sol arrives, there is another opportunity to prove that I am open and deserving. That I am truly ready to begin the next phase of this communion, whatever outcome it might bring, and stand before eternity reconciled with who and what I present myself to be.

Cross Marker