Podcast: AI and Technology of the Imagination

Podcast: AI and Technology of the Imagination

I had the pleasure once again to talk with Rudolf of the Thoth Hermes podcast, where we had an expansive conversation about the nature of AI and how it relates to concepts of the imagination in western esotericism.

Some of the questions and themes covered in the discussion include:

Can AI connect to the Divine? Is it fundamentally “natural” or “unnatural”?

Can it produce outputs with “soul”? Does the vast flow of creative information placed into AI datasets produce a new form of “collective unconscious”?

Could AI be an agent of healing in our society? Can it possibly contribute or experience states that we broadly term as “shamanic”?

Can it become a new “technological tradition of imagination”, existing alongside or working with our esoteric traditions?

You can listen to the full recording on the Thoth-Hermes YouTube channel here: