Tag Archives: environment

Ozone Layer depletion levelling off: new study

A recent study coming out of Sweden has shown that the speed at which the ozone layer is depleting has leveled off, even possibly reversing slightly.

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Head of Greenpeace admits climate change exaggeration

Gerd Leipold, the current Executive Director of Greenpeace, has just come out on the BBC programme Hardtalk and admitted that they had ’emotionalised’ issues surrounding the melting of the polar ice-caps in a report released on July 15th.Continue Reading

Questioning the environmental impact of wind farms

An interesting article over at Guardian.co.uk today which draws attention to the environmental impact caused by building wind farms on top of peat bogs. This raises an interesting topic that has been brought up before in various circles – could some of our environmental initiatives actually cause more harm then good?

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BP to develop biofuels in joint effort

BP has joined forces with Martek Biosciences Corporation to jointly work on the “production of microbial oils for biofuels applications”.

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