Tag Archives: ethics

Google conviction sparks debate over internet freedom

I’ve had a few posts recently that revolve around multi-national technology giant Google, both for positive and negative reasons, and today’s news has once again brought the company right into the ethical spotlight. An Italian judge has convicted three Google executives and given each a six-month suspended sentence because of a video of an autistic boy being bullied that was uploaded onto Google’s video service in 2006.Continue Reading

Should homeopathic treatments be state funded?

There’s been some recent controversy in the UK these past couple of days over whether or not homeopathic treatments should be eligible for payment through the National Health Service (NHS). As it currently stands, the government does acknowledge that there is no evidence backing the validity of such treatments; however at the same time allowing for them to be paid for through the state-backed NHS system.Continue Reading

Does Google profit from ‘typo-squatters’?

I found this fascinating article over at New Scientist, which looks at projections on how much Google might be earning from typo-squatters – those annoying people who buy up wrongly spelled domain names in order to make a quick buck.Continue Reading

Chip-and-PIN security flaw highlights blind faith in technology

This is an interesting type of story that we hear about in mainstream media every now and then – and that is the finding of security weaknesses in widespread technology, particularly those that deal with financial transactions of one kind or another. This time around, it’s flaws in the Chip-and-PIN technology that is widely used in credit and debit cards throughout Europe and particularly the UK. Continue Reading

Will Google abandon China?

Over the past week a pivotal standoff has been occurring between the world’s largest supplier of information and the world’s largest censor of information. The Google vs. China conflict has been gaining momentum over recent years, and it has all come to a head in the last few days over alleged hacker attacks on human rights activists email accounts – with Google refusing to censor its findings within China for a few days, and even talk of the company removing its enterprise from the country altogether.Continue Reading

Relief needed for Haiti

It’s always with great sadness that a call-out for relief and aid needs to be made after a catastrophic event, and the recent earthquake disaster in Haiti is no different. Haiti is a country that has inspired me in many different ways, so I wanted to use today’s post to highlight the very real need for charitable donations and help for the millions that have been affected by this disaster.Continue Reading