Tag Archives: future

Top 10 Futurist Websites

Given that Future Conscience exists slightly outside of the usual futurist circles, I thought that the readers here would appreciate a list of the sites that I feel have the most to offer when thinking about the future trajectory of humanity. That’s right, it’s another top 10 list!Continue Reading

Timeline: The Future of Videogames

What is the future of videogames? As one of the most important entertainment mediums of the 21st century how will they evolve over the coming decades?Continue Reading

5 Predictions for the Next 5 Years

5 Predictions for the Next 5 Years

It’s quite common to see prediction posts produced in January, and for a futurist blogger the draw to do one is obvious. In that regard, and in the spirit of IBM’s 5-in-5 approach, here are five predictions for the next five years.Continue Reading

Out of this World: Science Fiction at the British Library

Out of this World: Science Fiction at the British Library

Out of This World (Science Fiction: but not as you know it) puts together many of the most ground-breaking examples of science fiction literature that have seen print (and even a few that were never published), and for an exhibition consisting almost entirely of books its impact is commendable.Continue Reading

The 21st Century: A Tale of Paradigm Shifts and Adaptability

There is nothing new about paradigm shifts in human history. The difference that we will face in the 21st century, unlike any other that has come before, is that our ability to create and process new information is accelerating exponentially. It is time to start paying attention, because if we don’t we will be subsumed by the changes brought about through our inattentive stumbling towards the future.Continue Reading

[Review] Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku

[Review] Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku

The latest book ‘Physics of the Future’ from the renowned physicist Michio Kaku explores the future of technology and how it will impact our lives. This review covers the book from the perspective of a futurist, seeing if it asks the right questions or merely relies on our wonder for things unknown.Continue Reading