Tag Archives: privacy

A Citizen’s Guide to Protecting Yourself from Mass Surveillance

Here are some perfectly legal, morally sound, and relatively easy steps that every conscientious citizen should be taking to say no to untargeted government surveillance.Continue Reading

Stop Watching Us! PRISM, Surveillance and the Hierarchy of Privacy

The dramatic travels of Edward Snowden keep us suitably enthralled, however it’s important that we don’t allow a focus on the whistleblower to overshadow the far more impacting societal issues the saga continues to shine light upon.Continue Reading

Digital Diplomacy and the Ethics of Future Politics

Thoughts from a digital diplomacy conference discussing how information from social media sources is gathered, verified and used; who are the main actors in the UK and abroad; and what the future of foreign service look like over the next few decades.Continue Reading

Taking Control of Your Digital Footprint

Being aware of the information about us that is publicly available is going to become an increasingly important skill to develop, and part of this awareness is an understanding of just where and how you can control these elements.Continue Reading

F*k Facebook! 5 Alternatives to Help Destroy the Evil Empire

Over the last few weeks there has been concern after concern – some of them legal challenges – being put forward by privacy advocates and social media experts – with even a few higher profile ones quitting the social network in protest and some advocating a mass-termination of accounts on May 31st. But what’s the alternative and how can this evil empire be stopped?Continue Reading

Digital Economy Bill in the UK a totalitarian nightmare?

The fight to secure copyrights on the internet will always be an ongoing one, but the most recent dilemma is that being faced in the UK with the proposed Digital Economy Bill that has just recently seen a number of amendments that are cause for concern (to say the least).Continue Reading