Tag Archives: religion

Before Me, Raphael: Sacred Magic and the Four Archangels

Before Me, Raphael: Sacred Magic and the Four Archangels

This piece looks at the precedents for a well known ritual in contemporary sacred magic, which takes us on a journey back through early scriptural references; to the grimoire tradition of the middle ages; and then to the birth of Rosicrucianism in the 17th-century and on to the Victorian occult revival.Continue Reading

20 Futurist Predictions for 2030

20 Futurist Predictions for 2030

With the kind of year 2020 has proven to be, it seems the next decade is going to be a particularly fast-paced and tumultuous one. To keep us all thinking about where we want the world to go over the next 10 years, here are 20 futurist predictions for 2030.Continue Reading

10 New Religious Movements Focused on Science and Technology Today

10 New Religious Movements Focused on Science and Technology Today

Technology has transformed the shape of religious expression, community and proselytisation in the modern world; but it is still relatively rare to see examples that use the concepts of modern science and technology as part of the foundations of a belief system.Continue Reading

The Spirituality of Technology: Foundations of a New Humanity

What impact is technology having on the driving motivations for human endeavour and activity? Are we formulating a clear view of what progress means in this newly emergent age? Can we talk about a spirituality of technology, and what might that mean?Continue Reading

The 21st Century: A Tale of Paradigm Shifts and Adaptability

There is nothing new about paradigm shifts in human history. The difference that we will face in the 21st century, unlike any other that has come before, is that our ability to create and process new information is accelerating exponentially. It is time to start paying attention, because if we don’t we will be subsumed by the changes brought about through our inattentive stumbling towards the future.Continue Reading

Musings Along the Way: 40 Spiritual Aphorisms

Spiritual aphorisms are intended to speak directly to the intuitive side of us, and as such they will be placed here without comment. They are as true as they are true, and as false as they are false. I hope that you find value of some kind in one or more of these, my musings along the way.Continue Reading