December MMXX Pamphlet from Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA)

December MMXX Pamphlet from Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA)

I’m delighted to share with you today the second of the new bi-annual pamphlets being produced by the Fratres of the Province of Greater London, Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA).  You can download the first June MMXX pamphlet, which contains two primary pieces that are then followed up by both authors in this new December pamphlet.

Download the December MMXX Pamphlet here

My own piece on The Practical Paths of Rosicrucianism is included as a follow up to the previous one on 21st Century Rosicrucianism included in the June pamphlet. This long-read paper explores:

  • What the original Rosicrucian manifestos tell us about practical work;
  • How other early texts build upon these ideas and provide clear guidance on practical paths;
  • What this means for how we might view Rosicrucianism today.

In addition, there is a paper on The Radiance of Nature that follows on from the astrologically focused pieced in the previous pamphlet In Ictu Oculi.  These papers take a closer look at the auspicious astrological movements that are currently being seen, culminating in the Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter and its connection to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

As stated at the end of the pamphlet, we gain a great deal of hope from knowing that there are so many seekers out there who wish to uplift humanity so that we might collectively evolve into our true and glorious potential in harmony with the universe that supports and nourishes us.

For those who have chosen to walk this path, in whatever form the sacred light within draws you to, know that we are travelling together.

Whomsoever works to assist in healing the wounds and malaise of humanity, we share the same goals and stand with you.

May Light, Love, Peace and Truth guide us all