June MMXXI Pamphlet of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

June MMXXI Pamphlet of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

Following on from the two pamphlets released in 2020, I’m pleased to share with you all now the third of a new series of Rosicrucian pamphlets as compiled be members of the Province of Greater London for the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA).

Download the June MMXXI Pamphlet here

As with the previous two pamphlets, this new edition contains two primary texts along with some surrounding materials. For this third pamphlet, we have decided to move to a full colour format which also allows us to showcase some striking artworks relevant to (or emerging from) the Rosicrucian tradition.

This edition includes a new piece of mine entitled, Paths to Utopia: Rosicrucian Engagement in the World Today, that follows on from the earlier papers in looking at how we can consider Rosicrucianism a living tradition relevant to the 21st century. This long-read paper includes a look at:

  • How the Fama and Confessio Fraternitatis approach the idea of engaging with the wider world;
  • A look at contemporary utopian literature at the time, specifically the texts Christianopolis and New Atlantis;
  • An exploration on how we should consider our professional lives in light of the primary Rosicrucian maxim to ‘cure the sick, and that gratis.

The second paper In my End Lies my Beginning looks at the life and work of the French alchemist, Fulcanelli, and how it relates to a seemingly mundane object, yet one with great hidden depths: the sundial.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this new pamphlet and I’m personally always happy to discuss anything in more detail. If you would like to talk about any of the themes in this pamphlet in more detail, then please do contact me on Twitter. We would also encourage you to share this PDF with anybody else who might be interested.

Humanity stands at a crossroads in which the thoughtforms of today will become the evolutionary path of tomorrow. It is therefore vital that we bring our spiritual paths in line with our professional lives and technological progress, envisaging new utopian futures to strive for.

May Light, Love, Peace and Truth guide us all

Jacob Bohme Tetractys